Is Hiring a PI Harassment?

Asking the question; is hiring a PI harassment? If so, then the simple answer would have to be no, unless the private investigator is going to trespass on private property, or in any other illegal way use surveillance as a form of harassment.

For any registered private investigator in South Africa, this type of behavior is unacceptable. Surveillance is one of the best ways to obtain evidence without breaking the law, or going against the code of conduct which is enforced by the PSiRA, which is the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority.

As a PSiRA-registered and licensed private investigator in South Africa, owner of King Investigations, Jacques Botha, along with his team of seasoned investigators, knows the law when it comes to carrying out surveillance on behalf of a client.

Were a PI to harass someone under investigation, they would, to all intents and purposes, be putting their client in danger, and the evidence obtained in this illegal, dangerous way, would be of absolutely no value to their client.

Is hiring a PI harassment?

If you have suspicions that your spouse is cheating on you, it is not considered harassment for you to hire a private investigator. You have a right to know the truth, and a right to hire a private investigator you can trust to deliver results based in truth and on integrity.

Surveillance forms a large part of many types of cases, such as;

Jacques and his team will carry out surveillance on behalf of a client who wants confirmation that their children are in a safe environment when with the other parent, and that they’re not being exposed to neglect or abuse.

If the team were to do anything to alert the parent under surveillance to their presence, it would put the children and the parent hiring the PI under scrutiny and in danger, which would make the entire effort of trying to protect the children null and void, if any action has to be taken by the court.

Cheating spouse investigations are a major part of any private investigator’s life, and again, this is where surveillance plays a vital role in obtaining evidence of adultery.

Your spouse is not supposed to know that they are being watched, and as undercover experts, as well as being recognized as the number one cheating spouse detectives in South Africa, no one on this team of highly trained, experienced and skilled private investigators, will jeopordise the investigation by harassing anyone, least of all the person under surveillance.

Insurance companies, lawyers, prosecutors, corporations and other businesses call on King Investigators to carry out investigations legally, so that no evidence obtained can be brought into question.

There is nothing that stops you from hiring a private investigator, especially if he has the background and experience you can expect from Jacques and his team at King Investigators in South Africa.

If you can find a PI that will help you to harass someone, then you’re in for a lot of trouble! Blatant, outright harassment is illegal, and if you are sued for harassment, or have an interdict taken out against you for harassment, due to the actions of whatever PI you’ve hired, you will lose.

If you’re looking for experienced guidance and a private investigator you can trust to deliver quality results on completion of an investigation, without worrying about whether or not you’ll end up on the wrong side of the law, contact Jacques at King Investigators to do it the right way!

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