What Crimes Do Private Investigators Investigate?

It’s the ability to obtain what’s considered admissible evidence that can be presented in court for a criminal case that sets one investigator apart from the next, irrespective of the crime, but, what crimes do private investigators investigate?

In general, murder, rape, blackmail, fraud, home invasions, drug trafficking, human trafficking and other violent crimes are all crimes that can be investigated by the team of highly trained, experienced private investigators at King Investigators in Gauteng, South Africa.

No case is off-limits for this team of highly respected professionals, and, if you’re a victim of any of these crimes, friend or family member of someone who has been a victim, King Investigators is the team you want on your side, to bring fresh insight and evidence to light in the investigation of a crime.

Although owner of King Investigators, Jacques Botha, can’t carry out an arrest when it comes to catching a criminal, he and his team can, through their professional relationship with SAPS, assist the police in carrying out the arrest and then taking the case to court with evidence that’s irrefutable.

What crimes do private investigators investigate?

In all the crimes mentioned above, it’s about presenting a criminal or civil court with enough quality evidence to reach a verdict or finding that is beyond a reasonable doubt!

You won’t see the name of Jacques, any of his team of investigators or King Investigators in the news or spotlight, too many of the cases this team investigates are sensitive and often high profile, and, as the ones behind the evidence, these PI’s can’t afford to bask in the limelight if they are to remain effective in their field.

In fact, Jacques has crossed many borders in Southern Africa and over into Brazil and Argentina, to carry out high risk investigations that have called on all his skill as an investigator and analyst to bring cases to a successful conclusion, so he is no stranger to the dangers that come with criminal investigations!

Of the Southern African countries to which King Investigators travel to, these include Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique and Namibia. This means that as much as no case is off-limits for King Investigators, neither is any border crossing off-limits!

Serious & violent crime statistics on the rise in South Africa

Like any other country in the world, South Africa has an embattled and understaffed police force desperately trying to keep up with increasing serious and violent crime statistics, under constantly challenging circumstances.

As such, SAPS can only go so far and no further in certain criminal cases in terms of gathering further irrefutable evidence, further interviewing of witnesses and more, which is where King Investigators is able to render assistance that will help them to charge a criminal and bring the case to court.

King Investigators also assist families and other individuals in digging deeper into a police investigation to bring a case to conclusion, ensuring that perpetrators of crime don’t get away with it.

King Investigators guarantee results!

Contact Jacques and his team of registered private investigators at King Investigators in South Africa today, if you need help with any criminal or civil case. 

You’ll find that you’ll be dealing with an investigative firm with well over 10 years experience in the field, who can perform under extreme pressure to make sure that they deliver guaranteed results that are within your budget.


How Much Does A PI Cost Per Hour?

Most of us can’t imagine a scenario in which we’d need to hire a PI, however, there are situations that call for the professional services only an experienced private investigator can provide, whether we like it or not.

You may suspect your spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend of cheating on you and would prefer to deal with the truth, no matter how hard, than to live with what suspicion can do to you. 

Or, you may be planning to invest in a company but need to know more than what’s presented to you on paper by the company.

Perhaps you’re struggling with employee theft and need to get the quality of proof required to take legal steps to put an end to it. 

Divorce cases that involve custody battles and custody arrangements also often call for the services of a private investigator, in order to ensure that the best interests of the children are maintained.

Whatever the reason for hiring a private investigator, you’d probably want an answer to the question; how much does a PI cost per hour? The answer isn’t quite that clear-cut or easy, since every investigation is different, even if it’s the same type of case and, every budget is different.

Because of the individual demands of every case, you need to find a trusted, registered PI who will be open and aboveboard with you about private investigator rates. 

Any PI who dodges your questions regarding how much he charges per hour, or whether he can charge a flat rate for your case, isn’t worth your time.

How much does a PI cost per hour?

We’re going to take a look at what you can expect cost-wise, when you hire reputable private investigators in South Africa like Jacques Botha and his team at King Investigators, as the best possible example of how it should be when it comes to the financial aspect of an investigation.

As a registered private investigator with close on 14 years in the field, you can rely on Jacques to play open cards with you from the first time you speak to him in confidence about your case.

Once you’ve set up a meeting with King Investigators, you’ll find that this team is all about cost-effective investigations. At this meeting, you’ll be taken through the various options that would be best to gather the evidence you require, which will depend on various factors, such as:

  • Whether an hourly rate or flat rate would work best for the investigation
  • Whether the case will require the services of more than one PI
  • Whether undercover surveillance will be required and how long it’ll last
  • The amount of travelling involved in the investigation
  • Whether there’ll be flights involved in the investigation, accommodation or car rental.

Let King Investigators tailor your investigation to your budget!

It needs to be said here that King Investigators uses state of the art technology, added to years of experience locally and internationally in the field, to shave off unnecessary costs on any investigation.

Knowing that the bottom line for the investigators at King Investigators is all about honesty, integrity and the delivery of guaranteed results that you can take to court with confidence, will give you the peace of mind you deserve, when it comes to hiring top private investigators in South Africa.

Contact Jacques at King Investigators for a free confidential consultation before you speak to anyone else about your case, or about how much a PI will cost per hour!


How Much Does a Cheating Investigator Cost?

Once you’ve moved past the pain of facing the possibility that your spouse is cheating on you, at least to the point where you’re ready to face the truth, whatever it may be, you’ll want answers to the question; how much does a cheating investigator cost?


A lot depends on how the investigation will be run and other factors, which will be discussed at your first meeting with the number one cheating spouse detectives in South Africa at King Investigators.


Chatting to owner and registered private investigator, Jacques Botha, will be easier than you may imagine, as you head into this challenging and uncharted territory.


You can rely on the fact that, as professionals with going on 14 years experience in the field of cheating spouses, Jacques and his team know full well just how tough this experience will be for you emotionally.


With this knowledge and the experience of having carried out thousands of cheating spouse investigations, King Investigators will treat you with the sensitivity you’re going to need as they leave no stone unturned to find out whether you are, in fact, being cheated on.


How much does a cheating investigator cost?


There are a few factors that will determine what a cheating investigator will cost, including but not limited to:


  • How many investigators will need to be on your case, especially when it comes to following someone who may suspect that they’re under investigation, most often brought on by guilt!


  • How complicated or straightforward the undercover surveillance will need to be


  • In general, undercover surveillance will involve billable hours as well as being billed for mileage covered


  • If travel is involved, you could be looking at flight costs, car rental costs and accommodation costs, especially if the PI has to follow someone across borders, either in neighbouring Southern African countries or overseas.


What makes King Investigators worth it?


Jacques and his team of skilled investigators work hard to bring results in quickly and within budget, using state of the art technology in order to lower costs.


It’s all about bringing in cost effective investigations at competitive private investigator rates when it comes to King Investigators. As PSiRA registered investigators, you can rest assured that you’ll be dealing with consummate professionals committed to delivering guaranteed results.


The evidence you receive at the conclusion of the investigation


King Investigators will provide you with time-stamped video evidence of any cheating, along with time-stamped photos, accompanied by a written report that sums up every move of your spouse that could not be captured on video or photo.


If you need the evidence for a divorce case, you can trust in the fact that whatever evidence is delivered to you by King Investigators will stand up to scrutiny in court.


Surveillance is a speciality at King Investigators, ensuring that you are kept safe in the knowledge that they know exactly how to remain undetected by the subject under investigation, and, your confidential information remains just that; confidential!


Contact King Investigators for a free confidential consultation!

If you’re feeling a little shaky about hiring a private investigator to prove whether or not your spouse is a cheater, give Jacques a call for a free confidential consultation that will give you the peace of mind you’ll need to face the truth, whatever it may be.

Can a Private Investigator Take Pictures of You in Your Home?

When you take into account the plethora of myths surrounding what private investigators can and cannot do, it’s easy to get confused about where and when a PI can take pictures of you, which leads us to the question; can a private investigator take pictures of you in your home?

This is a very touchy subject, especially if you’re looking for evidence of wrongdoing that can be taken to court and not be thrown out due to any unlawful actions on the part of a private investigator.

Private investigators are not above the law, contrary to much of what we see in detective movies, and, in South Africa, any private investigator worth his salt has to be registered with the PSiRA, which is the body that regulates the security industry, ensuring that a PI sticks to the letter of the law when it comes to gathering evidence of value.

You should ask any Private investigator you plan to hire for his registration number and verify it on the PSiRA website. This is the best way to ensure that you’re dealing with a private investigator who is legitimate and also a good way of knowing you’ll have recourse if, for any reason you feel you’ve been taken for a ride by a PI.

Can a private investigator take pictures of you in your home?

The short answer to whether or not a private investigator can take pictures in your home is; no! You have a right to a reasonable expectation of privacy in your home, and, a private investigator can’t even take photos of you in your backyard, despite the fact that you are in plain sight.

As private investigators registered with the PSiRA, owner of King Investigators Jacques Botha knows full well that the only places he and his team of professionals can take pictures is only in public places.

While they can’t take pictures of you in your home, the moment you leave your property and move into public places, they are well within the law to then begin taking as many pictures as they need, to bring to light evidence of wrongdoing that’ll stand up in any court.

If you hire a private investigator willing to take pictures of someone in their home, you’re looking at ending up with egg on your face when you take that evidence to court! 

In the first place, the evidence will be declared false, and in the second place, you could face prosecution yourself for bringing illegally acquired evidence before a judge!

King Investigators don’t cross the line into invasion of privacy!

King Investigators in Johannesburg and Pretoria do not break into houses to take pictures of you, or anything else that could be going on in your home.

This is a team of experienced, registered PI’s who are dedicated to uncovering the truth the right way, to best serve their clients, which is exactly the type of PI you want on your side for any case.

You’ll have the confidence of knowing that this team of private investigators understands the legalities involved in gathering evidence and they stick to it, for your own protection!

Whether you are the one doing the hiring or the one under investigation, it’s essential that you know where you stand in terms of your right to privacy.

Contact King Investigators to get evidence the right way!

Contact Jacques and his team of experienced private investigators today to find out more about what it means to have the law on your side, when you bring your case to King Investigators.

Let this private investigator team get your evidence the right way, on time and according to your budget.