Background Checks

Our background reports are extremely comprehensive and can be returned within 24 hours.

Digging up details on a potential business partner, a new client, a former or current spouse, an employee or boss is often difficult and can be impossible to find if you don’t have the right tools or resources. This is why spending the time and extra money to hire us to conduct a thorough background and employment report, along with a hidden asset search, may be priceless.

A background and employment report is always necessary when hiring a new employee, but here are some other situations when a background report or a hidden asset search may be important:

  • Potential Lawsuit – If you’re considering filing a lawsuit against someone, it’s important to know what they’re worth. Since people who may face a potential lawsuit, often hide their worth, a hidden assets search would make a wise investment. If the person doesn’t have the means to pay you, then it might not be worth filing the suit and wasting your money on legal fees.
  • New Business Venture – Before you partner with someone, start a new business with a group of investors, merge two companies, or financially invest in an existing business, you need to know who your potential business partners are. A background report or hidden assets search that reveals hidden wealth could be a red flag. If your potential business partner hides assets before your venture begins, think what could happen once you’re generating a profit together?
  • Divorce Proceedings – As we all know, divorce cases can become contentious. If you’ve agreed to split your assets 50-50, you may want to hire someone to conduct an assets search to guarantee that your spouse isn’t hiding his or her wealth. A hidden assets search will expose if that’s happening and potentially prevent matters from getting messy later.

Contesting of a Will – The death of a loved one can be devastating, but the pain can escalate if the estate tries to hide assets from the will’s beneficiaries. Hiring someone to conduct an assets search and list all of the estate’s assets could identify hidden wealth you didn’t know existed and prevent extra pain at an already difficult time.

Hiring someone to conduct a background or assets search is essential in many situations. At King Investigators, we’ll not only find a person, but we’ll make sure to find their most valuable hidden possessions and the value of them, so they can potentially share them with you.

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