Why institute pre-employment polygraph testing?

If you can do everything possible preemptively to prevent employee theft, dishonesty or anything else on the part of an employee that could have a negative impact on your business, taking a proactive approach today towards screening applicants for any position in your company is going to save you a lot of trouble from the outset, rather than having to solve difficult issues after someone is employed.

Polygraphs have, in the main, been used after-the-fact. That is, once theft, fraud or any other crime has been discovered and the damage has been done.  The costs associated with commercial crime escalate every year, and if any company is to protect its interests before things like this occur, then pre-employment polygraph testing needs to be instituted as a rule of employment.

Dealing with the loss of sensitive company information, theft, fraud, sexual harassment and more can become expensive, especially once a company finds itself at the wrong end of a law suit that may have been prevented had proactive steps been taken in the first place.

A large percentage of businesses today make it clear to would-be employees that they’ll need to undergo a pre-employment polygraph test and in-depth background check, giving them the option of refusing or agreeing to the test, especially since a polygraph test cannot be forced on anyone.

Why have pre-employment polygraph tests become important?

The growth and sophistication of technology has given commercial crime a leg up in terms of presenting fraudulent information, allowing job applicants to manipulate everything from CV’s to references, and we’ve certainly seen enough of this level of dishonesty in some of the highest positions in business and in government over the last decade!

What does a pre-employment polygraph root out?

It’s easy to believe it will never happen in your company, but no matter how good your ‘gut’ feeling is about someone, there could always be something lurking in the background of a job applicant that could spell trouble and danger for your company.

Many businesses make use of disciplinary action to get rid of employees guilty of dishonesty, but this does not mean that the guilty party ends up with a criminal record or that they are blacklisted. All it does is leave them free to head off into a similar industry without a single stain on their employment record.

Intelligence gathering from any company is considered highly lucrative to syndicates working with organised crime today, and without a pre-employment polygraph test, you won’t know whether your potential employee is involved with organised crime or not.


King Investigators has a team on hand with extensive experience in pre-employment polygraph testing ready to be at your disposal, should you decide to make pre-employment polygraph testing an essential form of protection for you and your company.

Pre-employment polygraph tests carried out by King Investigators are especially valuable to the following business sectors:

Security companies





Insurance…..and more! Wherever there is information of high value for sale, whether in goods, intelligence or information, protection is a necessity!

Making sure that you aren’t hiring a criminal with well-hidden digital tracks, sexual offenders, fraudsters, individuals involved in syndicates or corporate espionage, will be an investment well placed, after all, it’s true that prevention is infinitely better than a cure!

A pre-employment polygraph test will also help to root out any underlying issues with drugs or alcohol, which would help you to avoid problems once the person is hired!

It’s important to note that any applicant must give written permission for a polygraph test to take place, as well as to be informed that the test will be one that is on a voluntary basis.

Even truly honest people don’t like the idea of a polygraph test, but, pre-employment polygraph testing is becoming something that is accepted as the norm, both by those applying for employment and employees alike, specifically in a climate in which commercial crime continues to soar.

Contact King Investigators to conduct polygraph testing in Pretoria and Johannesburg to start instituting pre-employment polygraph testing; you will save yourself a lot of time, money and frustration by knowing who you’re dealing with from day one!

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