The benefits of including pre-employment polygraph testing in HR practices

Maintaining a high level of honesty and integrity at any company doesn’t come easily. Many top companies, large and small, are putting preventative measures in place to reduce the risk of fraudulent and illegal activity in their businesses, leading to reviewing the way in which current HR policies and procedures are drawn up.  

It is fast becoming the norm for businesses to institute pre-employment polygraph testing and in-depth background checks carried out by professional private investigators in an effort to protect business from criminal elements becoming employees.

Working polygraph testing into the framework of business

By incorporating polygraph testing into the current human resource practices, you’ve got the opportunity to set the expectation with employees from the beginning. If you’re attempting to roll this out into an existing work environment, you’ll need to conduct a series of seminars for employees.

This ensures they receive the correct training and information around it. Once the training has been conducted, they’ll need to sign to acknowledge they’ve attended the training and fully understand the induction of this technique. It needs to be noted here that no employer can force an employee to take a polygraph test, the employee has the right to refuse it.

Reducing the Opportunity To Partake In Illegal or Fraudulent Activity

When conducting updates to your company policies, it would be beneficial to define the time frame in which someone could be requested to take a polygraph test and how frequent these tests should be.

As the tests can be done at random, it ensures there is a clear expectation that illegal or fraudulent behaviour won’t be tolerated within the business. It also assists in bringing up issues that might have not been reported before.

Basic conditions of employment and polygraph tests

Polygraph testing is a relatively new concept in HR practices for many businesses, and, though there are minimal laws and regulations surrounding the use of these tests, no person can be forced to take a polygraph test unless written consent is given. This is where your training comes into effect and the permission letter all employees should sign.

The best pre-employment screening tool

While every company is different and every position being filled by a new employee holds a different level of confidentiality, there’s no doubt that instituting pre-employment screening goes a long way towards protecting the most sensitive areas in certain businesses, hence the growth in the use of this testing.

It also helps to ensure that you’re dealing with a candidate that is being truthful in terms of background, CV and education, assisting you to make an informed decision in conjunction with any competency tests you may carry out and with past references.

Start the employment process the right way by contacting King Investigators to assist you in conducting in-depth background checks, and, if you’ve become the victim of fraud or theft, to carry out professional polygraph tests to give you the power to take further action against employees caught in criminal acts.

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