Should you find yourself in the position of needing to hire a private investigator to find out where losses are happening in your business, partnering with the seasoned professionals at King Investigators will be the best proactive move you could make towards protecting your business interests.
You may be feeling the pinch of petty theft that keeps adding up, or, something bigger, such as pilfering of stock and misappropriation of assets, but can’t put your finger on it or the culprit, which is when hiring the top private investigators in South Africa will be a move well worth making.
A combination of skill sets, tactics, experience and professionalism lies at the core of what has made King Investigators partners to many businesses, large and small, wanting to come out from under sometimes crippling losses due to employee theft.
Jacques Botha, owner of King Investigators, has built a network that is fundamental to the ability of his firm and team of investigators to form working relationships with many companies, legal firms and insurance companies in order to get to the root of where losses are being incurred.
Defrauding and stealing from any business has become even easier with the growth of technology, and, today every business owner has to become intensely protective over sensitive information which can earn an employee a small fortune from criminals eager to buy the information.
State of the art technology offers tools that make investigations by the team at King Investigators even more effective in tracking criminal activities. To make the most of these tools, it’s essential that this team of professionals have the necessary exploratory and analytical skills to bridge the gap between criminal and civil cases as well.
These types of investigations generally mean that a PI has to be able to use a combination of techniques to get to the truth, which could include undercover surveillance and the analysing of data to catch an offender without alerting the suspect in the process.
If you do happen to be able to pinpoint who is behind theft in your business, you’re still going to need evidence before you can call the police or take other disciplinary action, depending on the severity of the crime, which is at the root of why businesses form partnerships with PI’s.
As far as the authorities are concerned, if you have no evidence of a crime, you can’t make a case!
Taking proactive steps by instituting in-depth background checks on potential new employees does go some distance in shoring up your protection, which is a service King Investigators provides, which includes checking into potential new business ventures or partners.
It often takes years for certain losses to come to light, such as the misappropriation of company funds or products, and following the trail to find out who is at the bottom of internal and external theft or kickbacks is never easy, unless you’re a professional.
Trade secrets come at a premium for crime syndicates today, with corporate espionage paying huge sums to those who risk it in your business, and, it has been found that it’s often someone that’s been with the business for years and is trusted implicitly.
In a time when economies have crashed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, even the most honest employee could be desperate enough to fall into the hands of a criminal syndicate.
If you choose to become proactive about protecting your business interests at one of the worst times in history, contact Jacques at King Investigators to find out more about how he and his team can assist you in protecting your business.