King Investigators gather evidence from mobile devices by keeping up with the latest technology

It seems almost strange to find someone who doesn’t own a mobile device or two these days, which leaves the large majority of people very attached to any mobile device, whether it’s a smart phone, laptop or anything else that stores personal information.

All the data on mobile devices such as these are generally specific to the user, since most people don’t share these devices too easily, which means that unlike a desktop computer, it can be pinpointed to one user, which makes it easy to gain information that can assist private investigators in certain cases.

Mobile phones can assist a private investigator to keep track of someone under investigation, and, because nothing is ever permanently deleted, a savvy PI can retrieve even deleted content to use as evidence in a case.

There’s a dearth of evidence that can be collected from phone calls, text messages, emails and even a deeper look into what kind of internet searches someone is carrying out.

Evidence such as this has helped to crack paedophile rings, fraudsters preying on innocent people and stalkers with great success, where even the behaviour of the subject under investigation can be followed on social platforms too, even if under an assumed name.

Instead of searching for fingerprints today, private investigators are able to follow the digital trail left by anyone under investigation, to see where they’ve been and, at times even to be able to find motives behind any wrongdoing.

This is very important in criminal cases and in cases that involve drugs and other illicit dealings.

Having been in the field for well over ten years now, the team at King Investigators are always on the cutting edge of technology, so that no matter how sophisticated mobile technology becomes, they are right up there with all the rapid changes. 

While there are specific tools that can aid in a forensic mobile device investigation, it’s also essential that a PI goes over and above these tools to get to grips with producing accurate evidence.

This could mean using undercover surveillance in tandem with evidence uncovered in mobile devices, combining this with time stamped photos and videos as well for a fully comprehensive report at the conclusion of a case. 

Jacques Botha, owner of King Investigators in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town, ensures that he and his team of investigators are fully in tune with any software that will allow them to carry out a successful investigation. 

The evidence gathered in these types of investigation would include all deleted messages, images, call log information, photos and videos, however, the sensitive issue here is for them to be allowed access to these devices, which could get a bit sticky unless a client provides the team with any of these devices. 

You can rely on King Investigators to use their extensive training, skill and experience to carry out any investigation on your behalf, and they are more than willing to guarantee results that will stand up in court, delivered with honesty and integrity.

As a full-service investigative company in South Africa, the team at King Investigators will tackle a lot more than forensic mobile device investigations. Should you wish to chat to the team about what an investigation would entail, contact Jacques for a confidential chat for guidance in terms of exactly what you need in your specific case. 

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