In the world of private investigators, undercover surveillance is considered a field that demands a high level of training and on the ground experience, which means that if you aim to hire a private investigator, you need to be absolutely sure that he has the necessary qualifications to undertake your case.
Jacques Botha, owner of King Investigators in South Africa, is a registered private investigator heading up a team of highly trained investigators that are able to tackle a broad spectrum of investigative services, including undercover surveillance.
Through the addition of state of the art technology, Jacques and his team has raised undercover surveillance to a new level of excellence, in order to achieve high success rates in all their cases requiring this skill set.
One of the major reasons clients place their trust in King Investigators, is the fact that over the course of many years, this investigative firm has earned a reputation for maintaining absolute confidentiality on behalf of their clients.
This reputation has much to do with the fact that at the bottom line, honesty and integrity are qualities held in high regard by this team in an industry that serves to uncover crime and dishonesty.
Competitive prices for private investigations has also moved this team up another notch, ensuring that long-term relationships formed with police services, legal firms, international clients and businesses are built on a firm foundation of trust, and the ability of this team to deliver facts without frills.
Facts are important in this field, since in many cases, evidence has to be able to stand up to scrutiny if it is to be used in court, and, false or fictionalised evidence will compromise the client and their case.
The team at King Investigators all have a working knowledge of the law, which ensures that they collect evidence in a way that meets the standards expected from the PSiRA, which is the governing body of the industry overseeing that those in the security industry uphold the rules and regulations.
What makes undercover surveillance such a specialised field?
Undercover surveillance can be extremely dangerous, which is what makes it an absolute necessity for an investigator to know what he’s doing! Should the investigator be gathering evidence of infidelity, or for divorce and custody cases, if the investigator is exposed and the subject of the investigation realises he or she is being followed, the danger could also impact the client during the investigation.
As a professional that has carried out high risk investigations throughout South Africa, across her borders to other African countries and internationally, Jacques Botha and his team are fully aware of the dangers that will always exist in undercover operations.
These undercover operations are physically and mentally demanding on the investigator, often forcing him to think on his feet as conditions and situations on the ground change during the course of an investigation.
An ability to communicate on virtually every level is an absolute necessity for a private investigator, and, he also has to have common sense as his guide during any investigation.
Should you need the top private investigator on your case in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town, the best possible place to start would be by contacting Jacques at King Investigations.
In a confidential chat, you’ll find that you’re dealing with absolute professionals, a team that’ll guarantee a quick resolution to your investigation and offer you any guidance you may need to move your case forward, whether it is to prove that your spouse is cheating or that employees are stealing from your company!