Do you need evidence to take to court as proof your spouse is cheating?

Whether or not you’re still emotionally invested in a relationship, cheating or the suspicion that your spouse is having an affair is a situation none of us would like to face.

However, the truth is that you can’t get a divorce with assets equally divided without a valid reason, or without proof of the reason for your petition to divorce, such as infidelity or abuse.

If you are going to accuse your spouse of cheating you need to be aware that nothing less than hard facts and incontrovertible proof of infidelity will give you a leg to stand on.

The evidence of cheating is necessary to get the divorce moving, and it’s also very necessary if you are to protect your interests financially. This is important in terms of spousal support and financial support if there are children involved and there is a battle for custody.

Your suspicions and feelings will mean nothing to the judge in court. What they want, and expect, is that you can provide them with evidence that is gathered legitimately, in which case, you’ll have a case that is grounded in facts.

You need to know what type of evidence you’ll need and how the evidence will be presented in court, which is where both your lawyer and private investigator will step in to guide you.

This is a lot to take in on top of the deep emotional stress of coming face to face with proof that your spouse is cheating, which is why most attorneys will advise you to hire a private investigator to handle these realities, and to do it all the right way.

Why do you need to hire a private investigator?

If you’re going to put yourself through the agony of snooping around and finding incriminating emails or texts that are romantic and consist of plans to spend time with someone else, you will simply be adding further agony to an already shattering experience. This is why it’s best left to a professional PI with no emotional investment in the situation to gather evidence of an affair.

How to find a trusted PI in South Africa

Most attorney’s have a good working relationship with a private investigator they trust, which means that if he recommends a private investigator, you can be certain that the evidence he collects will be indisputable.

In addition to this, your attorney knows that only a licensed private investigator fully understands the legalities of surveillance and evidence gathering, which means that you can rely on evidence that will stand up to scrutiny in court.

Evidence gathering that can destroy your case

Should you interview a private investigator and he has no qualms about using underhanded and illegal tactics to gather evidence of cheating, look elsewhere for a reputable investigator or you may end up with your case being undermined, and possibly ending up in hot water yourself!

As the number one investigative firm in South Africa, King Investigators brings many years’ worth of experience as cheating spouse detectives to the table, ensuring that all evidence is obtained legally.

King Investigators is serious about doing things the right way. This includes that the firm is registered with the PSIRA, the governing body that has oversight of this industry.

This means that you’re protected from shady operators and also have recourse should you have a negative experience with an investigator who might take you for a ride.

Does the PI have to be present in court?

In terms of the high quality evidence the team at King Investigators bring together in a comprehensive report for a client, it is seldom if ever necessary for the private investigator to appear in court. These evidentiary reports include video and photographic evidence, backed up with a written report that will contain irrefutable evidence of cheating.

The team at King Investigators stand by their evidence, which is solidly based on honesty, integrity and transparency.

Why hire King Investigators?

The fact that this investigative firm is registered with the PSIRA, and that each investigator is also licensed, means you can have confidence in the fact that you’ll be dealing with investigators that understand how difficult the decision is to hire a private investigator in the first place.

This is a team with a total commitment is to treat your case with the confidentiality and sensitivity it deserves, applying their combined experience to get to the truth with tactfully and professionally on your behalf.

Feel free to contact owner Jacques Botha for a confidential chat, or set up a meeting with him in a setting that will be as comfortable as possible for you. At this time you’ll have a good idea of what to expect from the investigation, and what needs to be done to keep the investigation within your budget.


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