Can a Private Investigator assist you in locating your biological parents?

As adopted children age, the question of who their biological parents are often begins a journey to find out more about them and what other family members may exist that they know nothing about, but it’s not a journey that will be straightforward, and in some cases, there is no way of finding them.

For a start, the stipulations set out in the adoption agreement may mean finding out that birth parents choose to remain anonymous, which can be a very painful end to the search for many an adopted child.  No matter how much an adoption agency would like to assist, if the adoption is one that is closed, they are not allowed to give out any details about the birth parents at all.

There are many reasons that lie behind people wanting to find their birth parents. It could be an illness that requires information about a hereditary disease that could exist in the birth parents, or, it could be that the person is simply looking for answers to the reasons they were given up for adoption.

No matter what the reason, searching for biological parents can have both joyful and hurtful outcomes; depending on how the adopted person is responded t, if they do find their birth parents.

Locating birth parents with the help of a professional private investigator:

In general, most of us don’t have the knowledge or experience to tackle finding birth parents on our own, which means that your best bet for getting anywhere on your search would be to hire a professional private investigator who will know exactly where and how to start the search.

It’s also a comfort to have someone you know you can trust to treat your search with sensitivity, since this isn’t a journey easily begun and the trepidation you may feel will be somewhat allayed by the support of a professional that has had experience in locating biological parents.

Due to the fact that a licensed private investigator has access to databases and other information that the general public cannot use, it puts you ahead of the game right from the start.

You can try searching social networking sites or search engines like Google, however, if you’re starting out blank, this will be a waste of time.

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone has an online presence, which is why it takes a professional to pursue the answers down avenues that are not available to the general public.

Prepare yourself for all possible outcomes

Jacques Botha, owner of King Investigators in South Africa, will tell you at the outset of the investigation that you need to be prepared for all possible outcomes.

This team of PI’s operate from a moral base that includes honesty and integrity, meaning you can rely on them not to mislead you or raise your hopes for nothing. In fact, they’ll explain to you, based on their many years worth of experience in tracing birth parents, that it’ll be best for you to prepare yourself for all possible outcomes.

The birth parents may not want to meet you, they may have passed away, or, they could also be caught up in a dark life on the social scale, such as drugs, prostitution or might even be in prison, in which case you will have to decide how much you want to get to know them, despite the circumstances you find them in.

Consent to meet will be required from your biological parents

If King Investigators are successful in tracing your biological parents, you will still have to accept that they have to give the investigator consent to pass on their information to you. Should they tell the investigator that he is not allowed to share their contact information with you, he is morally and legally bound by the code of conduct that regulates his industry to respect their wishes.

Changing laws around closed adoptions

It’s a lot easier to locate birth parents these days as laws become more relaxed around closed adoptions, and though not every search will have a successful outcome, those that lead to a reunion between adopted children and birth parents are more successful than in years gone by.

Of course, the birth of the internet and explosion of technology has got a lot to do with the relaxation of these laws; however, it is best to remain as realistic as possible about the outcome of the search as possible in something so deeply emotional.

At the very least, if your search isn’t successful, with King Investigators on your side, you’ll always know you’ve had the best helping you to locate your biological parents! If they can’t find them for you, then no one can!

Contact Jacques at King Investigators today to find out more about what he and his team of licensed, registered private investigators can do to assist you with locating your biological parents and family.

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