No one who has ever loved another wants to face the possibility that a spouse is cheating on them, nor do we feel strong enough to face concrete evidence about infidelity, however, the sense of betrayal and anger you may be experiencing right now is happening in more lives than you may imagine, unfortunately.
If your 6th sense is telling you something is wrong, that something is ‘off’, you may be the type of person who wants the truth, painful or not, real or imagined!
Sadly, the top cheating spouse detectives in South Africa at King Investigators will tell you that in 85% of these cases, your sixth sense is telling it as it is.
Perhaps you’ve asked the hard questions only to be met with a spouse who tells you you’re imagining things and get’s overly angry in response, because this level of defensiveness is often a good indicator of whether you’re hitting a raw nerve or not.
Of course, not every spouse who starts taking an interest in their appearance or starts staying later at work than usual is a cheater, but there are signs, which if taken together, may convince you that you are being cheated on.
Here are a few signs to be on the lookout for to confirm your suspicions:
- Your spouse takes out membership and suddenly started working out in the gym, whereas before they’ve never worried about their physique or exercise for that matter. Of course not everyone who has decided to start taking care of their fitness levels is cheating!
- Your spouse is taking more interest in their appearance, how they dress and in general what they look like, than ever before.
- Your spouse suddenly starts wearing a different fragrance or aftershave.
- Your spouse is spending more and more time away from home and is taking a lot of business trips or staying later at the office than ever before.
- Your spouse is suddenly very secretive about their mobile phone, adding passwords that were never there before. They start taking calls out of earshot or, they suddenly seem to have a lot of wrong numbers calling!
- Your partner has lost interest in your sex life, or, suddenly wants to try new things that were never part of your life.
Your sixth sense is probably right if your spouse fills too many of these boxes, and, this is the time when you may decide about whether you want the truth, or choose to ignore the signs to keep the marriage or relationship together, no matter what.
If you do decide to hire a cheating spouse detective in South Africa, let the professionals at King Investigators guide you through what will be some pretty rough waters, and to do so with sensitivity.
At King Investigators integrity and professionalism are the bottom line, and to back this up, owner Jacques Botha is a registered PI, and his company is PSIRA registered, both of which are essential if you want the best on your case!
You are welcome to contact Jacques for a confidential chat before taking any major steps. After this you may, at the least, have an honest assessment of what would lie ahead for you should you decide that facing the truth is better than living with suspicion eroding your relationship.